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The Lace Paper Wallet Bug Bounty Program

Lace has always put security first and the addition of the new paper wallet feature makes it even easier. Users with PGP keys can now safely back up their wallet with an encrypted QR code. So, to celebrate, we've launched the Lace Paper Wallet Bug Bounty Program.

Can you hack a Lace Paper Wallet?

What better way to prove Lace's security than to challenge our community to hack and gain control of a Lace Paper Wallet (and the commemorative NFT within that Paper Wallet). We rely on our community to test and improve our products – so if something isn't as good as it could be, we want to know about it.

And as Input | Output co-founder Charles Hoskinson revealed at Rare Evo 2024, there's a 1 million USDM bounty available. If you can hack it, you can keep it.* Simple as that!

The Lace Paper WalletThe Lace Paper Wallet

How do I take part?

Think you've got what it takes to hack this Lace Paper Wallet? Download the Lace Paper Wallet PDF below and use the encrypted recovery QR code to get started in Lace. It's encrypted via PGP, of course, so good luck!

The Lace Paper Wallet Bug Bounty Program will stay open until the end of 2024 – or until someone hacks it! Before you begin, make sure you read the Bug Bounty Program Rules, which includes reporting instructions for if you've successfully hacked the Lace Paper Wallet.

*Terms and conditions apply. See Bug Bounty Program Rules for details.